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February 2024 Expunction Clinic Event in Moore County

Picture of a desk with balanced scales sitting on it for the Pro Bono Expunction Clinic in Moore County, North Carolina.

This February, the Moore County NAACP is proud to sponsor a PRO BONO Expunction Clinic along with Van Camp, Meacham, & Newman, PLLC!

Moore County NAACP Pro Bono Expunction Clinic 

This event will be held on Saturday, February 3rd, 2024. Eligible attendees can meet with attorneys, free-of-charge, in order to learn more about expunction, whether or not they are eligible for expunction, and to be guided through the process. 

You must pre-register online in order to secure a consultation. There are limited spots available so do not delay!

Why Would You Want to Get Your Record Expunged?

Even if the charge or conviction is long in the past, a criminal record can follow someone for the rest of their life. This can make it difficult to find a job, qualify for housing, obtain professional licenses, and more. In some cases, just the record of an arrest and charge, even without a conviction, can have damaging effects in the long term. 

Because eligibility for record expunction can be murky in some cases, it can be hard to know just who will qualify until a consultation with a legal professional. That’s why a pro bono expunction event can be such a valuable tool.

Keep in mind that at this expunction clinic, we can only assist with charges that have been previously dismissed in Moore County, NC.

When is this event?

The upcoming pro bono expunction event sponsored by Van Camp, Meacham & Newman, PLLC, and the Moore County NAACP will be held on Saturday, February 3, 2024. Appointments will be accepted from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., with walk-in availability from the hours of 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. 


Each session should take approximately 30 minutes and we have multiple attorneys ready to serve you!

The event will be held at the Trinity AME Zion Church, located at 972 W Pennsylvania Ave. in Southern Pines, North Carolina.


Those who are hoping to attend this upcoming event should complete the pre-registration intake form to get started. 

For any questions or to speak with someone before the event, please email Moore.Expunction@gmail.com.

How to Prepare for the Expunction Clinic

Getting ready for an appointment at an expunction clinic requires just a few steps:

  • Obtain a standard copy of your criminal record. This can be done by contacting the Clerk of Court of Moore County at (910) 722-5000. We recommend getting this step done early, as it can take some time to receive your copy from the Clerk of Court.  
  • Complete the pre-registration intake form to help us prepare for your appointment (Walk-ins will be welcome, but there will be limited capacity).
  • Arrive on the date of the event with your criminal record and prepare to be at your appointment for at least 30 minutes. 

It may also be helpful to bring a form of ID, and any related court orders or documents. Again, this expunction event can only help with charges that have been previously dismissed. 

Disclaimer: The information seen on this website, including the article above, is not legal advice or legal counsel. If you wish to speak to a criminal defense lawyer, contact our North Carolina attorneys directly using our online form or by calling  910-295-2525. While our law firm is located in North Carolina, our attorneys have tried cases and work with clients across the country, from RaleighFayettevillePinehurst, and Sanford, to Virginia, Illinois, Oregon, and California to Florida. Call our experienced attorneys today.

Van Camp Law Firm in Pinehurst, North Carolina

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