Picture of a bookcase at a divorce and criminal defense law firm in Pinehurst, North Carolina

Van Camp Wins 2015 Litigator Award

Van Camp, Meacham, & Newman, PLLC were nominated for and won the 2015 Litigator Award for personal injury, wrongful death, and medical malpractice suits.

The 2015 Litigator Awards™ "represent the highest honors in Trial Law, and justly stand as the nation’s most coveted symbol of 'Litigation Achievement'."

2015 Litigator Award Van Camp Law

About the 2015 Litigator Award

Van Camp, Meacham, & Newman law firm, located in Pinehurst, NC, was ranked in the top 1% of lawyers based on actual "Verdict Settlement" dollar achievement versus peer popularity. This makes this award perhaps the most rigorous attorney award anywhere in the entire nation.

To be eligible for the award, nominees must prove their achievement with the following "performance benchmarks" :

  1. One verified “Verdicts or Settlements” of at-least $1 Million Dollars in any one Practice Specialty category within the preceding 5 year period prior to Nomination*, or
  2. One verified “Verdict or Settlement” of at-least $5 Million Dollars in any one Practice Specialty category within the preceding 10-year period prior to Nomination**, or
  3. One verified “Verdict or Settlement” of at-least $10 Million Dollars in any one Practice Specialty category within the preceding 20-year period prior to Nomination.

It is an accomplishment achieved by fewer than 1% of all lawyers, which is truly a testament to each award recipient’s remarkable performance.  Of the nearly 1.1 million lawyers considered, only a select few per state or DMA, will achieve the distinction of being awarded annually in any given practice specialty.

Hire One of Our Highly-Esteemed Attorneys Today!

Van Camp, Meacham, & Newman, PLLC are honored and proud to have received such an honorable award. If you are looking to work with dedicated, trusted, and award-winning attorneys, do not hesitate to call our Pinehurst office at  910-295-2525 or use the form below.

Disclaimer: The information seen on this website, including the article above, is not legal advice or legal counsel. If you wish to speak to a personal injury lawyer that serves RaleighFayettevillePinehurstSanford, and beyond, contact our North Carolina litigation attorneys directly using our online form or by calling  910-295-2525.

Van Camp Law Firm in Pinehurst, North Carolina

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