Speeding Ticket Lawyer in Pinehurst
Experienced Speeding Ticket Lawyers in Pinehurst
It can happen to anyone. You are driving and listening to music or talking to your passenger and you see those red and blue lights in your rearview mirror. The officer approaches your vehicle and asks you if you know how fast you were going.
There is no need to panic when you have an experienced team of speeding ticket lawyers on your side. We have handled countless cases when it comes to speeding tickets and we are ready to help you too. If you are in need of an experienced speeding ticket attorney, look no further than Van Camp Meacham & Newman.
Speeding Tickets Affecting Insurance
A single speeding or traffic violation in a few years may not have much impact on your insurance rate. Getting multiple tickets over a short period of time, even a few years, can dramatically increase your rate. For every additional ticket, the percentage your rate goes up will surge.
People who have more moving violations and speeding tickets are viewed as more likely to get into an accident by auto insurance companies. Therefore your rates are likely to be higher the more serious and numerous your traffic tickets are.
Prayer for Judgement
In North Carolina, you may be eligible for a Prayer for Judgement (PJC) as a way to avoid having your speeding ticket increase your insurance premiums. A PJC cannot be granted if your ticket is for speeding more than 15 mph over the speed limit or for DWI conviction. The North Carolina DMV allows a driver to request a PJC twice in a five year period.
Most North Carolina insurance companies will recognize a PCJ every three years per insurance policy. If there is no other PJC, they will not increase your rates for a below 15 mph speeding ticket once the PJC has been granted. Be aware if you are on the same policy with your spouse or children if they have had one in the past 3 years when decided if you want to request a Prayer for Judgement.
Get Help with Your Speeding Ticket in Pinehurst Today!
Our traffic violations lawyers can help you learn more about a Prayer for Judgement or to understand how you can benefit from legal representation for your speeding ticket. Contact us today at (910) 295-2525 or fill in our contact form below.